03 9768 3222

CubeLock Display and Shelving System

CubeLock Display and Shelving System is a versatile and simple modular system, extensively used for Display and Shelving purposes within many industries.

Aluminium extrusions are used as vertical and horizontal components, all joined by plastic joiners suitable for a number of different configurations. The Aluminium components can be ordered in a wide range of colours and finishes, including anodised and bright dipped finish.

  • CubeLock Box Profile - SFS028
  • Square Box Profile, 25.4 x 25.4 x 1.20mm - SSB007
  • 3 way Box Joiner - SFS028-3 WAY
  • 4 way Box Joiner - SFS028-4 WAY
  • Box End Cap - SFS028-ECAP